

奥德拉·戴尔,荣誉大学毕业生The 荣誉学院 curriculum is a core of classes and experiences designed to enrich and maximize your education. 作为一个有才华和上进的学生在荣誉学院, you will participate in a core of small and powerful classes, taught by faculty specifically selected for their expertise and devotion to academic excellence. The 荣誉 Dean and faculty work closely with each student to design a program of study that enhances the student's academic major and provides the best possible preparation for professional development and advanced study. 成为荣誉学生的好处有很多:

  • Small, dynamic classrooms with peers that are seeking the same level of depth in their education as you.
  • Supportive faculty mentors that will work hard to stimulate your curiosity, 扩大你对世界的了解, 并帮助你实现个人和职业目标.
  • Interdisciplinary 荣誉 courses that feature various and exciting perspectives on world events, 文化, 和历史
  • 高强度体验式学习, 包括本科生研究, 实习, 特殊的研讨会, 和项目
  • 学术旅行机会, including international studies in exciting locales such as Rome and London
  • 在美国的实地经验.S. 到历史地标、博物馆和文化活动
  • Special assistance with scholarships and job opportunities in your major
  • 优先注册和荣誉住房
  • Upon completion of the curriculum you will be recognized at a formal reception and at graduation, 你的成绩单, 文凭, and academic apparel will publicly acknowledge your academic achievements


If you are interested in joining the 荣誉学院, please submit an online application: 应用在这里 

注:如果你是一个即将到来的新生与3.高中平均绩点7分或以上 you indicated on your ISU application that you would like to be admitted to the 荣誉学院, you do not need to submit a separate 荣誉学院 application. 

Please contact the 荣誉学院 at 812-237-3225 with any questions about the 荣誉 admission process. 


The 荣誉 curriculum features a core of four classes that immerse students in the great ideas and works of human civilization and equips them with the tools to think critically, analytically and with the ability to integrate and synthesize across disciplines and concepts. 作为其中的一部分, the 荣誉 senior seminar/论文 is intended to challenge the student to conduct a research project that integrates the strands of expertise developed through the 荣誉 core, 辅修课程和学生主修课程. The four 荣誉 core classes satisfy a block of seven 基金会al Studies categories, allowing 荣誉 students to move more quickly through those requirements.

  • General 荣誉 (GH) 101: 荣誉 Seminar: Contemporary Issues
  • 一般荣誉(GH) 201:介绍伟大的作品
  • 一般荣誉(GH) 301:荣誉青年研讨会
  • 一般荣誉(GH) 401:高级论文

除了完成荣誉核心课程, students specialize in 荣誉 through one of three elective concentrations designed to allow more substantial exposure and experience in sub-areas:

  • 领导与公民参与
  • 全球的视角
  • 主修和/或基础研究方面的荣誉

To graduate from the 荣誉学院, students must maintain a 3.累积平均绩点25分,3分.荣誉课程的平均绩点为0, 完成荣誉核心课程, 论文, 三个选修浓度之一. The 荣誉 curriculum is designed to work with any degree program by overlapping with 基金会al Studies requirements and major classes.


Pickerl大厅 and Burford大厅 are the primary 荣誉 residence halls for incoming 荣誉 students. 荣誉 students are not required to live in 荣誉 housing; however, choosing to reside in an 荣誉 living-learning community gives 荣誉 students opportunities to develop friendships and form study groups with peers from all different majors in the 荣誉学院. 


  • 与其他优等生住在一起或周围
  • 每层楼都有一名荣誉居民助理(RA)
  • 私人浴室
  • 中央空调
  • 每层楼都有安静的时间
  • 地板休息室学习和闲逛
  • 荣誉活动的编程空间
  • 靠近霍尔曼纪念学生会, Dede广场和ISU喷泉, 还有梧桐餐厅
  • 从大多数教学楼步行不远

For more information, including floor plans, please visit the 住宅生活 website: Pickerl大厅  •  Burford大厅

领导 & 参与

There are a number of ways for 荣誉 students to get involved in the 荣誉学院! These are opportunities that you can choose to be part of based on the amount of time you have to invest and your interests. We hope that you will choose to be an active member of the 荣誉 community by attending events, 帮助规划它们, 和/或作为同伴导师.

  • 荣誉委员会 - The 荣誉委员会 is a student group that develops and facilitates many of the social and philanthropic programs we offer for 荣誉 students each semester. The 荣誉委员会 annually hosts a Fall Picnic and a Halloween Party, 参加国际滑联的返乡活动, coordinates volunteer opportunities and career preparation workshops, and invites campus and community guests to speak with the 荣誉 students. They also welcome ideas for other events and service projects from the 荣誉 student body.
  • 同侪导师荣誉 - 同侪导师荣誉 are experienced students in the 荣誉学院 who mentor first-year 荣誉 students as they adjust to life at bc菠菜导航. 每个即将入学的荣誉学生都与一名同侪导师联网, 谁来提供建议?, 回答问题, and be a friendly face on campus as you transition into the ISU community. The 同侪导师荣誉 are involved in numerous organizations on campus and also with the 荣誉学院, so they know first-hand what it is like to be a motivated student, 参加优等班, 住在校园里, 出国留学, and effectively balance time between school and extra-curricular commitments. 


  • Incoming freshmen may be competitive for a variety of bc菠菜导航 scholarships (including President's and University 荣誉 scholarships), 由国际滑联奖学金办公室颁发; http://ea37.guidetohairlossproducts.com/scholarships/
  • There are several awards offered by the 荣誉学院 to assist current 荣誉 students during their sophomore, 初级, 或者大四. Scholarship opportunities for current ISU students can be found in The Branch: http://indstate.academicworks.com/ 




上午8:00 -下午4:30